Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Seghezzi Francesca Sara, nasce nel 1979 a Palazzolo sull’Oglio. Si diploma al Liceo Artistico Statale di Bergamo e consegue la laurea in scenografia all’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera nel 2005. Durante il percorso accademico collabora alla realizzazione di “Tende al mare” di E.Luzzati e crea illustrazioni per lo stilista G.Bello (Amorphose) con il progetto Fra love acrochat. Vince una borsa di studio nel 2003 a Tenerife, un viaggio che la avvicina a stili artistici sconosciuti.

Nel 2006, dopo la laurea, inizia a lavorare come scenografa in giro per il mondo, appassionandosi a culture diverse dalla sua. Vive per qualche mese in Mexico, dove ispirandosi alla sua musa Frida Kahlo, dipinge sulla stoffa e scopre potenzialità espressive inattese. Inizia a dipingere abiti nel 2000, sperimentandosi sulle creazioni di giovani stilisti emergenti. Il suo credo è:rendere unico un abito e trasformarlo in opera d’arte da indossare”.

Qualche anno più tardi, il contatto con un movimento artistico internazionale fa nascere in lei la voglia di mostrare la propria arte: espone a Londra (Index – Marzo 2014), Milano ( Giugno 2014), Berlino (febbraio 2015), Brescia, Bergamo, Padova (Nowart).

Nel maggio dello stesso anno, collabora con il gruppo Nami, raccontando la moda anche attraverso le sue creazioni tessili.

Nella sua arte si rivela il tema dellequilibrio e dellidentità in trasformazione. Gli attori delle sue tele si muovono come in una scena teatrale. Indossano maschere misteriose e giocano a perdere i confini corporei, per tornare a respirare. Gli interpreti indossando i suoi abiti, vestono una seconda pelle, che li aiuta a fare lucesu chi realmente sono. (DOT.ssa Nadia Pedretti)

Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Francesca Sara Seghezzi was born in Palazzolo sull’Oglio in 1979. She graduated in Arts at Liceo Artistico Statale in Bergamo and attained a degree in Scenography at Accademia delle Belle Arti in Milan in 2005. During her academic course she contributed to the creation of “Tende al mare” by E. Luzzati and created illustrations for the stylist G. Bello (Amorphose) in the project “Fra love acrochat”. She was awarded a scolarship in 2003 in Tenerife, where she discovered different and unknown art styles.
After completing her degree, in 2006 she began to work as a scenographer around the world, developing a passion for different cultures. She has lived in Mexico for some months and, inspired by her muse Frida Kahlo, she started to paint on fabrics, finding unexpected ways of expression. She began to paint on clothes in 2000, working on creations by young emerging stylists. Her motto is: “make a dress unique and turn it into a wearable work of art”.
After some years, she got in contact with an international art movement which raised in her the will to show her art: she exhibited in London (Index – March 2014), Milan (June 2014), Berlin (February 2015), Brescia, Bergamo, Padova (Nowart).
On May 2015, she collaborated with the Nami group, telling fashion through her textile works.

In her art forms, equilibrium and a dynamic identity are disclosed. The actors of her works play as if they were on the scene. They wear mysterious masks and lose their corporeal limits in order to get back to life. With her clothes on, the performers wear a second skin, that helps them to “throw light” on what they really are. (Nadia Pedretti)

Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Francesca Sara Seghezzi

Francesca Sara Seghetti was born in 1979, she graduated from the Art School of Bergamo State and got her degree in design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in 2005.

Throughout the Academic path learns to confront other artists. She collaborated on “the sea Curtains” of E.Luzzati creating illustrations for the designer G.Bello (Amorphose) with “Between love acrochat” project. She won a scholarship Erasmus in 2003 in Tenerife, this trip allows her to know different styles.

In 2006 she began working as a set designer around the world inspired by different styles and cultures.

Painted walls, windows, until finding her greatest inspiration in painting on fabric. She began painting in ’99 t-shirt with the cultural group Anonymous Eternals developing, later collaborations with emerging designers.

In 2014 she joins the international art movement “Oroccoccoro” going married the philosophy and the basic points of the manifesto. She exhibited in London (exhibition index – March 2014 with the pictorial-photographic memory drops’s project), Milan (Biografazio- June 2014), Bergamo, Brescia, and Berlin (InArte Werkkunst Gallery- February 2015).

She is detached from the movement in May 2015, and collaborate with Nami (ondanami) group that develops a new way to recount fashion through painting clothes, make up, and photographs and participates in bodypainting live performance.